Y Blog Make Spot

Apr 15, 2024
NEW "At a Glance" feature on our website! Discover what you'll learn, materials to bring, full dates and times, and even discount information—all in one place!
Sewing patterns and a red mannequin
Mar 07, 2024
There's nothing quite like the feeling of slipping into a garment that fits like a glove. With our help you'll no longer have to settle for off-the-rack garments that don't quite measure up.
Unveiling My Fashion Journey: From Buttons and Bows to Custom-Made Cheongsam
Mar 07, 2024
Unveiling My Fashion Journey: From Buttons and Bows to Custom-Made Cheongsam. Join me as I continue to explore the ever-evolving world of fashion, sharing stories, designs, and perhaps a few more unexpected wardrobe malfunctions and fashion faux pas!
Meet Lucy: Sewing Teacher, and Co-owner of The Make Spot
Jan 17, 2024
Meet Lucy: Sewing Teacher, and Co-owner of The Make Spot.
A bold and beautiful Lady McElroy fabric
Dec 06, 2023
Roeddem am gymryd eiliad i ddiolch i'n cwsmeriaid nad ydynt yn cael y cyfle i ymweld â'n stiwdio a chymryd rhan yn ein gweithdai a'n dosbarthiadau. Mae bob amser yn bleser pan fyddwn yn derbyn archebion ffabrig o leoedd yn y byd rydyn ni'n caru neu ddim ond wedi breuddwydio am ymweld - o Ganada ac UDA i Awstralia a thu hwnt, neu'n nes adref yn Ewrop, rydyn ni wedi cludo ffabrigau arbennig i gwsmeriaid ledled y byd.
Summer update.
Aug 25, 2023
Q: “I already have sewing skills and can confidently make my own clothes and household items. Is the Adult All Abilities suitable for me?”  A: "Absolutely!!"