Y Blog Make Spot
This term, I’m excited to dive into a new project with some of our Make Spot Sewers that takes me back to my own days studying contour fashion. We’ll be working on creating a corset, and I’m drawing inspiration from Vivienne Westwood’s iconic 1990s Portrait Corset.
It’s hard to miss the effortless elegance of the Princess of Wales, especially when she steps out in her favourite Breton top. Did you spot her wearing one in her video congratulating Team GB after the Olympics? This classic striped shirt has become a go-to in her wardrobe, proving that its appeal transcends centuries and fashion trends.
In 1998, during my teaching practice, I stumbled upon the captivating art of free-motion embroidery.
Roeddem am gymryd eiliad i ddiolch i'n cwsmeriaid nad ydynt yn cael y cyfle i ymweld â'n stiwdio a chymryd rhan yn ein gweithdai a'n dosbarthiadau. Mae bob amser yn bleser pan fyddwn yn derbyn archebion ffabrig o leoedd yn y byd rydyn ni'n caru neu ddim ond wedi breuddwydio am ymweld - o Ganada ac UDA i Awstralia a thu hwnt, neu'n nes adref yn Ewrop, rydyn ni wedi cludo ffabrigau arbennig i gwsmeriaid ledled y byd.
Rydym wedi cael wythnos hwyliog, brysur a chynhyrchiol yn The Make Spot. Dyma ein hwythnos lawn gyntaf o gyrsiau.